- Mar. 25, 2025Press Release: Uncovering the Brain’s Flexible Mechanisms for Representing Diverse Numbers - Providing evidence for the hierarchical representation of relative numerical magnitudes in the human brain -
- Mar. 19, 2025Misako Fujino (Haruno G) received "Excellent Poster Award" at Winter Workshop 2025 on Mechanism of Brain and Mind
- Mar. 7, 2025Paper from Nobuhiro Hagura's group received "the 40th Telecommunications Advancement Foundation Award (Interdisciplinary Research)"
- Feb. 10, 2025CiNet researcher Yuki Kobayashi (Nishida Group) received Presentation Award from the Japanese Psychonomic Society
- Dec. 18, 2024CiNet Researcher Ryo Ishibasi received "Special Excellent Presentation Award", and Shunsuke Takeshige "Excellent Presentation Award" at the 88th Annual Meeting of Japanese Psychological Association (Both Hagura G)
- Oct. 29, 2024The 10th CiNet Conference: - Frontiers of Responsible Research and Innovation in Neuroscience - (December 10 & 11)
- Aug. 2, 2024Nobuhiro Hagura (CiNet PI) awarded by The Japanese Psychological Association
- Jul. 8, 2024Press Release: Learning to Act in the Face of Uncertainty - Our brain learns and remembers actions differently based on the level of decision uncertainty
- Mar. 12, 2024Takeru Abe (Nishida Group) received “Young Researcher Award” from IEEE CISJ
- Nov. 24, 2023The poster of Misako Fujino (Haruno G) at Neuroscience 2023 selected for Press Conference “Fear, Stress, and Anxiety”
- Sep. 22, 2023Keita Aoyama (Suzuki G) received Student Poster Award at the Electronics, Information and Systems Conference (EISS) of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEE)
- Sep. 12, 2023Teruaki Kido (Hayashi G) received "Early Career Presentation Award" at the 7th Japanese Meeting for Human Brain Imaging (JHBI)
- Aug. 28, 2023CiNet researcher awarded at the 17th Motor Control Research Conference: Atsushi Yokoi (Nishimoto G), Ryo Ishibashi (Hagura G), Sergio Gurgone (Naito G)
- Jul. 27, 2023Kiichi Kawahata, Antoine Blanc (both Nishida Group), Satoshi Nishida (Nishida Group PI) Shinji Nishimoto (Nishimoto Group PI) received "Excellent Research Award" from Japanese Neural Network Society
- Mar. 23, 2023CiNet Researcher Yu Takagi (Nishimoto Group) and Shinji Nishimoto (CiNet PI) published a research at CVPR 2023 and have been featured in more than 60 media and news outlets around the world.
- Mar. 8, 2023Jun Umehara (Hirashima Group) received Excellence Award at the 27th annual conference of the Japanese Society of Physical Therapy Fundamentals
- Jan. 10, 2023Misako Fujino (Haruno G) received "Excellent Poster Award" at Winter Workshop 2023 on Mechanism of Brain and Mind
- Dec. 5, 2022Teruaki Kido (Hayashi G) received “Best Poster Award” at the International Symposium on Chronogenesis: How the Mind Generates Time
- Nov. 11, 2022Satoshi Nishida (CiNet PI) received "Excellent Presentation Award" in the 36th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence.
- Sep. 6, 2022CiNet researcher Toshiki Okumura (Kida G) received “Best Presentation Award” at The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for the Study of Taste and Smell
- Sep. 5, 2022CiNet researcher Atsushi Yokoi (Nishimoto G) received “MC16 People’s Choice Award” at the 16th Motor Control Research Conference
- Jun. 20, 2022Hiromasa Takemura, CiNet PI, received “Early Career Investigator Award” from the OHBM
- Mar. 28, 2022CiNet Research by Tsuyoshi Ikegami, Masaya Hirashima, Eiichi Natio featured in an article in “New Scientist”: People who are blind may use the brain’s visual cortex for movement
- Mar. 16, 2022Mitsuo Kawato, CiNet PI, awarded the Japan Academy Prize
- Feb. 14, 2022CiNet researchers received “Encouragement Award” at the 2nd Grant meeting for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas “Chronogenesis”
- Nov. 26, 2021Sing up for The 7th CiNet Conference: New horizons in brain mapping (Feb. 1-3)
- Oct. 1, 2021Kiichi Kawahata (Nishida Group) received “Young Researcher Award” in the 5th Japanese Meeting for Human Brain Imaging
- Sep. 17, 2021CiNet researchers received “Young Scientist Encouragement Award” and “Best Presentation Award” at the 15th Motor Control Research Conference
- Jun. 29, 2021Hiroki Oishi, CiNet Researcher (Takemura Group), received “Merit Abstract Award” for his presentation at the 2021 Annual Meeting of Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)
- Jun. 25, 2021Satoshi Nishida, CiNet PI, Antoine Blanc (Nishida Group), Shinji Nishimoto, CiNet PI published a research article in PLOS Computational Biology
- Jun. 17, 2021New publication by Ikuhiro Kida & Hiroshi Ban, both CiNet PI:”Assessment of olfactory information in the human brain using 7-Tesla functional magnetic resonance imaging”
- May. 14, 2021Press Release: Count Your Blessings: Short Gratitude Intervention Can Increase Academic Motivation
- Apr. 23, 2021Daisuke Nishiyama, Technical Researcher, CiNet, NICT (MRI&MEG Management Group) received “Bronze Award” in the JRC 2021 Annual Meeting.
- Apr. 21, 2021CiNet Researcher Tsuyoshi Ikegami (Naito Group) published a research article in PLOS Computational Biology
- Mar. 18, 2021A Paper by Kazuma Mori (Haruno Group) on the cover of “Journal of Personality”
- Dec. 21, 2020Toshio Yanagida, Center Director, elected as a member of the Japan Academy
- Nov. 26, 2020CiNet Researcher Satoshi Nishida (Nishimoto Group), Antoine Blanc (Nishimoto Group), and Shinji Nishimoto (CiNet PI) received “Excellent Presentation Award” in the 34th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
- Sep. 29, 2020CiNet Researcher Taro Kaiju (Suzuki Group) received “IEEJ Excellent Presentation Award” in the 2019 Electronics, Information and Systems Society Conference of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
- Sep. 18, 2020Daniel Callan (CiNet PI) is one of the founding chief editors of the new journal “Frontiers in Neuroergonomics”
- Sep. 17, 2020A paper by Masamichi Hayashi (Amano Group) was published in Journal of Neuroscience
- Jun. 3, 2020CiNet Researcher Hiromasa Takemura (Kida Group) edited the special issue of “Brain Structure and Function”
- Mar. 17, 2020CiNet Researcher Tomoya Kawashima (Amano Group) received “Best Presentation Award” in the 38th annual meeting of the Japanese Psychonomic Society
- Mar. 10, 2020CiNet Researcher Tomoya Nakai (Nishimoto Group) published a research article in Nature Communications
- Jan. 16, 2020CiNet Researcher Satoshi Nishida (Nishimoto Group) received “Excellent Poster Award” in the 20th Winter Workshop of Mechanism on Brain and Mind
- Jan. 16, 2020CiNet Researcher Hiroki Oishi (Amano Group) received “Best Presentation Award” in an annual winter meeting of the Vision Society of Japan
- Jan. 6, 2020The 6th CiNet Conference: Brain-Machine Interface – Medical Engineering based on Neuroscience – (Feb.5-7)
- Dec. 19, 2019Guoxiang Liu, CiNet PI, has received “ISMRM JPC AWARD”
- Nov. 6, 2019Toshio Yanagida, CiNet’s Director, received “The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold and Silver Star”
- Oct. 16, 2019Daniel Callan, CiNet PI, received “2019 IEEE Brain Initiative Award” and “BMI Best Paper Award”
- Sep. 20, 2019Press Release: Brain stimulation prevents anxiety-induced decrease in motor performances
- Aug. 28, 2019Press Release: How your brain remembers motor sequences
- May. 10, 2019CiNet Researcher Hiromasa Takemura (Kida Group) published a research article in NeuroImage: Clinical
- Mar. 19, 2019Norio Fujimaki, CiNet/NICT, received Hisoka Maejima Award
- Feb. 28, 2019Presentations and slides from the 5th CiNet Conf. partially available
- Jan. 9, 2019Special Advisor Seiji Ogawa has received Prime Minister’s Award in the 2nd Medical Research and Development Awards
- Nov. 20, 2018Press release: White Matter Pathway and Individual Variability in Human Stereoacuity
- Oct. 22, 2018CiNet Researcher Makoto Fukushima (Leibnitz Group) published a research article in PLOS Computational Biology
- Jun. 18, 2018CiNet PI Daniel Callan’s Aviation related Neuroergonomic Research was featured in a flight safety magazine
- Apr. 24, 2018A paper by CiNet PI Noriko Yamagishi was published in PLOS ONE
- Mar. 12, 2018New research into human pain (Seymour Group)
- Mar. 7, 2018CiNet Researcher Choi Uksu (Kida Group) received a trainee stipend at the ISMRM Workshop on Advanced Neuro MR: Best Practices for Technical Implementation
- Mar. 1, 2018CiNet Researcher Ai Koizumi (Amano Group) received a poster award at the annual meeting of Social & Affective Neuroscience Society (SANS)
- Feb. 27, 2018CiNet Researcher Hiromasa Takemura (Amano Group) received ISMRM Japanese chapter “Outstanding Abstract Award”
- Nov. 10, 2017New research: Decoding naturalistic experiences from human brain activity using 10,000 words
- Nov. 6, 2017CiNet PI Kaoru Amano received the 7th RIEC Award from Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University (Oct. 31, 2017)
- Oct. 6, 2017Temperature – the forgotten human sense in ICT?
- Sep. 19, 2017New research: CiNet scientist and collaborators identify a largely forgotten brain pathway human parietal cortex
- Sep. 13, 2017Special Advisor Seiji Ogawa has received the Keio Medical Science Prize Laureate
- Aug. 28, 2017New research: Toward an understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying dual-task performance: Contribution of comparative approaches using animal models
- Aug. 28, 2017New research: Stable and dynamic coding for working memory in primate prefrontal cortex
- Aug. 7, 2017New Research: Watching the brain oscillates: the perceived frequency of an illusory jitter mirrors the frequency of intrinsic alpha oscillations
- Aug. 4, 2017CiNet PI Shinji Nishimoto received an award from the New Technology Development Foundation
- Apr. 26, 2017CiNet Researcher Hiromasa Takemura (Amano Group) received ISMRM “Magna Cum Laude Merit Award”
- Mar. 29, 2017New Research: CiNet scientist and collaborators established the homology of lost brain highway
- Mar. 21, 2017Press Release: How Effort Influences What We Believe to See
- Feb. 17, 2017CiNet Researcher Hiromasa Takemura (Amano Group) published a review article in Journal of Vision
- Feb. 7, 2017CiNet Monthly Seminar Schedule for 2017 announced
- Dec. 19, 2016A paper by CiNet Researcher Aurelio Cortese, Ai Koizumi (Amano Group) , PI Kaoru Amano, et al. was published online in Nature Communications
- Nov. 22, 2016A paper by CiNet Researcher Ai Koizumi (Amano Group), PI Kaoru Amano, PI Ben Seymour et al. was published online in Nature Human Behaviour
- Nov. 2, 2016Using AI and Brain-Machine Interfacing to Understand Phantom Limb Pain
- Aug. 8, 2016Trans-pacific collaboration agreement signed
- Aug. 3, 2016New research : Inception of color : Learning to Associate Orientation with Color in Early Visual Areas by Associative Decoded fMRI Neurofeedback
- Jul. 26, 2016CiNet PI Kaoru Amano’s research is introduced in Dispatch, Current Biology
- Jul. 20, 2016Shinji Nishimoto, CiNet PI, and CiNet Researcher, Satoshi Nishida (Nishimoto Group) published a review article in Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
- Jul. 12, 2016Workshop: ‘Neural mechanisms linking action and perception’ (July 25 Mon.)
- Jul. 11, 2016International Symposium: ‘Brain Networks and Behaviour’ (July 20 Wed.)
- Jul. 4, 2016New research : Controlling cerebral activitie to have the brain see colorsnot actually there
- Jun. 10, 2016New research : Theoretical and experimental study demonstrates a method for improving stereo vision processing.
- Jun. 2, 2016New research: How the brain improves motor control: Error signals in motor cortices drive adaptation in reaching.
- Apr. 5, 2016Sorato Minami (Amano group) was awarded by Best Presentation Award of 2015 Interim Examination in Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences.
- Feb. 23, 2016Sorato Minami (Amano group) was awarded by 2016 Elsevier/Vision Research Travel Award (VSS Student Travel Award).
- Feb. 5, 2016New Research: Ensemble Tractography: a method to improve the identification of white matter pathways in living human brain
- Jan. 6, 2016Yuichi Sakano, CiNet Researcher, and Hiroshi Ando, PI, received the outstanding paper award in The 15th Symposium on Construction Robotics in Japan.
- Dec. 22, 2015New research from CiNet: Multiple threat-detection systems in the human brain
- Dec. 17, 2015Research by Eiichi Naito, CiNet PI, and his group to appear on NHK BS1 Saturday 19th, 21:00
- Dec. 15, 2015What makes us feel a sense of loss?
- Oct. 30, 2015The Third CiNet Conference on Feb. 3-5, 2016- Neural mechanisms of decision making: Achievements and new directions
- Oct. 16, 2015New Research: Mystery of size constancy untangled(大きさ恒常性の脳のしくみ解明へ大きな一歩)
- Oct. 6, 2015New Research: White matter pathway integrates spatial and categorical visual information
- Jul. 28, 2015Press Release (in Japanese): Network analysis reveals differences in functional connectivity organization between schizophrenia patients and healthy subjects (CiNet Researcher Tetsuya Shimokawa)
- Jul. 24, 2015Yuji Ikegaya, CiNet PI, received the 29th Tsukahara Award from Brain Science Foundation
- Apr. 24, 2015Takashi Ueguchi (Liu Group), CiNet Researcher, received the President’s Award at the 109th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics.
- Apr. 22, 2015Nature Japan featured the paper by Noriya Watanabe and CiNet PI, Masahiko Haruno “Effects of subconscious and conscious emotions on human cue–reward association learning” in Scientific Reports.
- Apr. 6, 2015The 5th CiNet Symposium on June 17 in Tokyo Forum (Japanese language only)
- Feb. 18, 2015The Second CiNet Conference: “International Symposium on Neural Mechanisms of Vision and Cognition” (finished)
- Jan. 28, 2015Sorato Minami (Amano Group) was awarded by the best presentation award in an annual winter meeting of Vision Society of Japan.
- Jan. 26, 2015CiNet Researcher Tsuyoshi Ikegami’s research is covered in the Asahi Shimbun (22 Jan 2015, in Japanese)
- Jan. 22, 2015New research: How the brain is fooled by ventriloquists (脳が腹話術に騙される仕組み)
- Dec. 17, 2014CiNet Workshop for Univ. Students: March 10, 11, 2015 (info. Japanese only)
- Nov. 27, 2014Ichiro Fujita, CiNet PI, will be on TV! – BS Nippon TV “Koji Damashii ( Japanese)” 22:30 – 23:24, Dec. 7
- Nov. 26, 2014New research: Beware of what you see: Watching a novice affects performance of sports professionals
- Nov. 18, 2014New research: High-field MRI reveals the kinetics of immune cells in the intravital mouse brain.
- Oct. 16, 2014Ichiro Fujita, CiNet PI, on J:COM Kansai Area Program “Ochanoko Sai Sai”(Japanese)
- Aug. 29, 2014REGISTRATION OPEN! The First CiNet Conference: “New Directions in Pain Neuroscience (Dec. 2-5)
- Aug. 27, 2014Mariko Osaka, CiNet PI, has published a book.
- Aug. 11, 2014Toshio Yanagida’s lecture is in the bulletin of the International Science Club of Osaka
- Jul. 31, 2014“Efficient foot motor control by Neymar’s brain” by Naito’s lab in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
- Jul. 29, 2014CiNet researchers contribute to research on negative emotion and depression.
- Jun. 10, 2014Announcing the First CiNet Conference: New Direction in Pain Neuroscience (Dec. 2-5)
- Jun. 4, 2014Toshio Yanagida, Center Director, Honorary Member of the Physical Society Japan
- Apr. 17, 2014CiNet research mentioned in the Asahi Shimbun Globe No. 131 (March 16, 2014)
- Apr. 17, 2014Takashi Ueguchi, CiNet Researcher, has received the Congress Chair Award of the 107th Scientific Meeting of JSMP
- Apr. 9, 2014Research from CiNet PI, Yuji Ikegaya has shown that rats can learn to activate a specific neuron in their brain.
- Apr. 9, 2014Research from Yuji Ikegaya, CiNet PI, has shown that neurons that have been activated during a recent behavioral episode are reactivated in a brain slice.
- Apr. 1, 2014Seiji Ogawa has received the Grand Award of Tateishi Prize
- Apr. 1, 2014JSPS international post-doctoral fellowship scheme open.
- Apr. 1, 2014Ben Seymour, CiNet PI, receives award from Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation to support UK-Japan collaborative research.
- Mar. 17, 2014Masahiko Haruno, CiNet PI, featured on NHK program “origin of diseases: depression”
- Mar. 4, 2014Hiroshi Ishiguro, CiNet PI, interviewed on Singularity 1 on 1
- Feb. 18, 2014Ben Seymour, CiNet PI , and Alison Hobro (IFReC) featured in the magazine of the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan
- Feb. 9, 2014Shinji Nishimoto, CiNet PI, and Yukiyasu Kamitani (ATR) featured on NHK Science Zero
- Oct. 25, 2013Toshio Yanagida, Center Director, awarded Japan’s prestigious ‘Person of Cultural Merit’.