Ikuhiro Kida

Main Lab Location:
CiNet (Main bldg.)Mailing Address:
B1A6, 1-4 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka, 565-0871Email:
ikuhiro.kida at nict.go.jpTo understand the functions of the human brain such as cognition, sensation, and movement, it is necessary to develop technologies to measure and analyze brain activities in an advanced and diversified manner. We are improving and developing technologies including the spatial and temporal resolution of conventional functional MRI and multimodal measurement technologies focusing on structure and metabolism using ultra-high-field MRI to advance the technology for measuring brain function.
Using these measurement techniques, we would like to elucidate the mechanism of information processing in olfaction from both functional and morphological aspects.
Selected Publications:
Donoshita Y, Choi US, Ban H & Kida I
Assessment of olfactory information in the human brain using 7-Tesla functional magnetic resonance imaging. NeuroImage, 236: 118212, 2021.
Choi US, Kawaguchi H & Kida I
Cerebral artery segmentation based on magnetization-prepared two rapid acquisition gradient echo multi-contrast images in 7 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging. NeuroImage, 222: 117259, 2020.
Choi US, Kawaguchi H, Matsuoka Y, Kober T & Kida I
Brain tissue segmentation based on MP2RAGE multi-contrast images in 7 T MRI. PLoS ONE, 14(2): e0210803, 2020.
Kida I, Ueguchi T, Matsuoka Y, Zhou K, Stemmer A & Porter D
Comparison of diffusion-weighted imaging in the human brain using readout-segmented EPI and PROPELLER turbo spin echo with single-shot EPI at 7 T MRI. Invest Radiol, 51:435-439, 2016.
Short Biography:
2012 Senior Researcher, CiNet, NICT
2009 Researcher, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
2004 Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University,
2001 Associate Research Scientist, MRRC, Yale University
Lab Members:
・Guoxiang Liu
・Toshiki Okumura
Technical Staff
・Hiroko Fujimoto
・Anju Fujita