Osamu Fukayama

Main Lab Location:
CiNet (Main bldg.)Specific Research Topic:
Decoding and application of neural signalsOther Affiliations:
Invited Researcher at Osaka UniversityMailing Address:
1-4 Yamadaoka, Suita City, Osaka 565-0871, JapanEmail:
o.fukayama at nict.go.jpNeurons process complex information by exchanging electrical signals, which are regularly hidden inside the body. My research focuses on decoding the signals obtained from electroencephalograms and implanted electrodes using machine learning to find new applications.
Selected Publications:
Sudo N, Fujiwara SE, Isoyama T, Fukayama O.
Rattractor-A Realtime Place-triggred Rewarding Stimulator for a Rat.
bioRxiv. 2022.
O. Fukayama,
“A spatial Laplacian filter for surface neural electrodes derived from a Gaussian process,”
In Proc. The 10th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (2021).
O. Fukayama, K. Take, and T. Suzuki,
“Decoding Sensory Responses in a Rat Brain Cortex Using a Gaussian-Process Regression Filter,”
In Proc. of The 52nd ISCIE Intl. Symp. on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications, pp. 51-52 (2020).
O. Fukayama, N. Taniguchi, T. Suzuki, and K. Mabuchi, “RatCar system for estimating locomotion states using neural signals with parameter monitoring: Vehicle-formed brain-machine interface for rat,”
In Proc. of 30th Annual Intl. Conf. of the IEEE EMBS, pp. 5322-5325 (2008).