Hiroaki Umehara

Main Lab Location:
CiNet (Kobe)Specific Research Topic:
Dynamics of neural activityEmail:
ume at nict.go.jpMy research focuses on understanding multi-scale dynamics of neural network systems aimed at improving measurement techniques of neural activity. Missing links between microscopic and macroscopic models of neuron-level and brain-wave dynamics have to be bridged in order to reveal detailed information signals of neural activity and brain function from noninvasive measurement such as electroencephalography. Computational approaches that derive from a statistical-mechanics framework are central to the modeling of these signals. In particular, my main focus is currently on collective dynamics.
Prior to 2008, my dominant research domain was in the area of analytical mechanics and astronomical dynamics, including control and measurement of spacecraft orbits. I still maintain continued interest in this area, which I integrate with my research on the analysis of neural dynamics.
Selected Publications:
Umehara, H. & McInnes, C. R., “Penalty-function guidance for multiple-satellite cluster formation”, Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics 28, 182-185 (2005)
Umehara, H., Takahashi, M., Otsubo T. & Kubo-oka, T., “Scan by monitoring a pair of points – Optical survey method for near-geosynchronous orbits”, Trans. JSASS Space Tech. Japan 3, 13-22 (2005)
Umehara, H. & Tanikawa, K., “Binary and triple collisions causing instability in the free-fall three-body problem”, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 76, 187-214 (2000)