56th CiNet Monthly Seminar: Ganesh Gowrishankar “The ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how many’ of functional embodiment by the brain” (for CiNet members only: Sign-up required)

CiNet Monthly Seminar

July 6, 2022
(On-line and In-person at the Conference Room)

“The ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how many’ of functional embodiment by the brain”

Ganesh Gowrishankar
Senior Researcher (CR-8)
CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research)

Host : Tsuyoshi Ikegamio (Naito G)


‎The skills our human brain can learn are limited by our body constraints-the number of limbs we have and the sensors we have. In our JST ERATO Jizai Body project, we are exploring how these bodily constraints for our brain can be removed using new technology, and how these constraint removals change our brain and behavior. Even if we have grown up with a fixed number of limbs, 2 arms and two legs for example, our brain is in fact very adaptable and can readily accept or ‘embody’ new limbs into our body. In this talk I will talk about some studies where we explored ‘what’ can or cannot be embodied into our body, ‘why’ this embodiment can be beneficial for task performance, and finally our exploration of the limits of our brain in regard to embodiment, and towards understanding ‘how many’ limbs may be embodied by our brain.