Friday Lunch Seminar (English)
January 14, 2022
12:15 〜 13:00
Talk Title: Toward understanding of life span changes in inhibitory system in the brain through a computational model
Jihoon Park
Brain Networks and Communication Laboratory
Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet)
National Institutes of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Host PI: Eiichi Naito
Brain imaging studies showed that the brain regions unrelated to the task are inhibited (deactivation), and the degree of inhibition change with development and aging. Understanding the mechanism of these inhibitory systems and their changes is an important issue from the viewpoint of neuroscience, training and rehabilitation. In this talk, I will introduce my previous studies using a computational model to investigate the effects of changes in inhibitory activity on information transmission and self-organization of spiking neural network models and the role of body dynamics in motor skill acquisition. At the end of the talk, I suggest several ideas about how these studies might extend to understand life span changes in the inhibitory system in the brain.