Friday Lunch Seminar: Ryoji Hirano: “A fully-automated neuromagnetic dipole analysis of epileptic spikes using deep learning” (On-line for CiNet members only: Sign-up required)

Friday Lunch Seminar (English)

December 3, 2021
12:15 〜 13:00

Talk Title: A fully-automated neuromagnetic dipole analysis of epileptic spikes using deep learning

Ryoji Hirano
Specially-appointed Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University

Host PI: Masayuki Hirata

Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a powerful diagnostic tool for the localization of epileptic activity. However, the analysis of MEG data, especially visual spike detection, is seriously time-consuming and depends on neurophysiologists’ skills and experiences. To overcome these problems, we developed a novel fully-automated dipole analysis called FAMED (a fully automated AI-based MEG interictal epileptiform discharge identification and ECD estimation). In this seminar, we introduce FAMED and its actual application.