Friday Lunch Seminar: Tomokazu Tsurugizawa: “BOLD and non-BOLD fMRI of rodents for translational study” (On-line for CiNet members only: Sign-up required)

Friday Lunch Seminar (English)

July 16, 2021
12:15 〜 13:00

Talk Title: BOLD and non-BOLD fMRI of rodents for translational study

Tomokazu Tsurugizawa
Principal Investigator
Human Information Interaction Research Institute
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

Host PI: Yoshichika Yoshioka

Functional MRI (fMRI) is a promising tool to investigate the neuronal activity noninvasively by catching the change of the circumstances around the proton (neurovascular coupling, water diffusion, chemical shift etc.). This technique has been used in clinical study in wide field of neuroscience as well as medical science. Recently, the development of high field MRI provides the high resolution/high contrast functional imaging of the rodent brain. Although animal fMRI requires to overcome several issues like anesthesia, the transgenic animals and application of invasive neuroscience tools are attractive to elucidate the causality and mechanism of psychiatric disease. In this talk, I show our recent work combining the MRI and other neuroscience tools. In addition to BOLD fMRI, I will also discuss about non-BOLD fMRI, diffusion fMRI and MEMRI study.