Friday Lunch Seminar: Hideyuki Takahashi: “How to Create a Robot with Love -Designing in the Absence of Agents” (On-line for CiNet members only: Sign-up required)

Friday Lunch Seminar (English)

July 2, 2021
12:15 〜 13:00

Talk Title: How to Create a Robot with Love -Designing in the Absence of Agents

Hideyuki Takahashi
Specially Appointed Associate Professor
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University

Host PI: Hiroshi Ishiguro

What are the characteristics of a robot with love that continues to support our hearts? A robot that is always physically close to the user and keeps encouraging the user with its senses may be annoying to the user at times. I believe that in order to develop a communication robot that can live in harmony with humans and continue to support the human mind, it is important to design the absence of the robot. Based on this idea, I would like to introduce our current cognitive science research on human-robot interaction. The findings of such research may also be useful in understanding the social bonding between humans.