Friday Lunch Seminar
February 26, 2021
12:15 〜 13:00
(On-line for CiNet members only)
Talk Title: “Estimation of retinal stimulating electrode from cortical response by neural network in retinal prosthesis”
Tomomitsu Miyoshi
Assistant Professor
Department of Integrative Physiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
Host PI: Takashi Fujikado
Retinal prosthesis with suprachoroidal electrodes is the novel prosthetic system which we have developed as a treatment for photoreceptor degenerating diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa. In order to evaluate the function of prosthetic electrodes, the prosthetic responses of the retina and the lateral geniculate nucleus in cats have been recorded, but the response from cerebral cortex has not yet. In this seminar I will talk about prosthetic electrically-evoked response of electrocorticogram (ECoG) from cat visual cortex, and about a trial which discriminates the position of stimulating retinal electrodes from the ECoG by neural network.