Friday Lunch Seminar
December 4, 2020
12:15 〜 13:00
(On-line for CiNet members only)
Talk Title: “Atypical auditory perception in autism spectrum disorder: a synthetic approach to evaluate the perceptual patterns caused by environmental stimuli”
by Jyh-Jong Hsieh
Specially appointed Researcher
Symbiotic Intelligent Systems Research Center, Institute for Open and Transdisciplinary Research Initiatives, Osaka University
Host PI: Minoru Asada
Recent studies revealed that atypical perception is common in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and a potential cause for social difficulties. Self-reports by people with ASD indicated that the atypical perception varies depending on the environmental context. However, the traditional self-reports are insufficient for quantitative analysis of the correlation between perception patterns and environmental stimuli. We employed a synthetic approach to lead the participants to quantitatively report their perception patterns corresponding to a variety of scenarios by using auditory processing filters to replicate their auditory experiences. Results revealed several common patterns of atypical auditory perception: louder sounds perceived in a quiet environment, and echo and noise perception induced by intensive and unsteady audiovisual stimuli. Potential neural and physiological mechanisms are discussed with future issues.