Shinya Nakamura “Exploring cognitive and emotional functions of the monkey frontal cortex by using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)”

October 2, 2019
CiNet 1F Conference Room A

Shinya Nakamura
Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Life Science
Tohoku University

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive technique of stimulating the nervous system and has been successfully used for clinical treatments and basic neuroscience research. TMS has some characteristic and attractive features/advantages. It enables us to modulate the cortical excitability, i.e. facilitation or inhibition of neural activity. It is entirely non-invasive, and we can perform repeated measurements within subjects, which provides high reliability of data with small number of subjects. Furthermore, it can elicit a localized excitation of neural tissue and is applicable to the monkey brain which has the constitution (e.g. sulci) comparable to the human brain. In our laboratory, we are applying this technique to monkeys and examining functions of the frontal cortex by using various behavioral paradigms. In this talk, I would like to introduce our recent TMS studies regarding the working memory, the regulation of mood and affect, and the social behavior in monkeys.

Host: Kei Watanabe (Kitazawa Group)