Yuhei Takado: “Metabolic imaging / measurement for translational research : from mice to human”

November 30, 2016  17:00 〜 18:30

CiNet 1F Conference Room

Yuhei Takado

Department of Functional Brain Imaging Research
Brain Disorder Translational Research Team
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology

Host : Yoshichika Yoshioka (PI)


In this seminar, I will talk about several topics related to brain metabolism as well as metabolic imaging/measurement methods. First, I will talk in brief about human magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies for identifying biomarkers of neurodegenerative disorders.
Next, I will present some practical aspects of hyperpolarized 13C experiments in vivo in rodent models using dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP). Dissolution DNP is a relatively new technique which was launched in 2003. Although there are some common aspects between dissolution DNP and positron emission tomography imaging (an established metabolic imaging modality), a few different aspects need to be considered in both methods. Finally, I will briefly introduce a new in vitro metabolic imaging technique and my current projects related to brain metabolism at the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, Chiba.