Toshio Yanagida, Center Director and Specially Appointed Professor, Osaka University, was elected as a member of Japan Academy. (4th subsection, Pure sciences)
He has been recognized as a pioneer researcher for “single-molecule measurement technology for protein dynamics” in the field of biophysics. Based on his original ideas, his many groundbreaking achievements includes the elucidation of the mechanism of muscle contraction.
Currently, as Center Director, he promotes research on neuroscience based on the concept of “Yuragi,” which is at the heart of his achievements so that the center can make a contribution to new ICTs.

Comment by Toshio Yanagida:
I have been challenging the understanding of life with my mentor, Dr. Fumio Osawa, by bringing in the ideas of “not too much” and “not too little,” which can be called Japanese culture. I have been arguing with researchers from all over the world for many years about the unique concept of “Yuragi,” which is rarely seen in Western cultures. I am very happy to for this recognition by the Japan Academy.