The Third CiNet Conference
Neural mechanisms of decision making: Achievements and new directions
February 3 (Wed.) to 5 (Fri.), 2016
Conference Room, CiNet Bldg.
(1-4, Yamadaoka, Suita City, Osaka, 565-0871 Japan)
The past ten years have witnessed substantial advances in our understanding of the neural mechanisms of decision making.
This achievement was made possible to a large extent by the development of computational theory
and the design of model-based, quantitative experiments.
However, recent advances in human brain imaging, optical and genetic manipulation methods and the data sciences hold
the promise of further revolutionary changes in research methodologies for decision neuroscience.
In this conference, we are pleased to bring together internationally leading researchers to discuss the latest achievements
and new directions in computational and experimental studies of decision making.

National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet)
Panasonic Corporation
Shimadzu Corporation
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, MEXT, Japan
“Elucidation of the Neural Computation for Prediction and Decision Making”
“Investigation into the Past, Present and Future”
Meeting Chair: Masahiko Haruno (CiNet/NICT)
Co-chair: Minoru Kimura (Tamagawa Univ.), Hideki Kashioka (CiNet/NICT)
Meeting Director: Takahisa Taguchi (CiNet/NICT)
Secretariat: Seiji Igi, Keiko Yoshimoto
Language: English
No. of participants: 130
Peter Dayan, University College London
Mauricio Delgado, Rutgers University
Kenji Doya, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Masahiko Haruno, Center for Information and Neural Networks, NICT
Masaki Isoda, Kansai Medical University
Joshua Johansen, RIKEN Brain Science Institute
Ryota Kanai, Araya Brain Imaging
Mitsuo Kawato, Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International
Minoru Kimura, Tamagawa University
Shigeru Kitazawa, Center for Information and Neural Networks, Osaka University
Nils Kolling, University of Oxford
Kou Murayama, University of Reading
Elisabeth A. (Betsy) Murray, National Institute of Mental Health
Roger Redondo, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Ltd
Shohei Shimizu, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
Peter Shizgal, Concordia University
Hidehiko Takahashi, Kyoto University
Yoshikazu Terada, Center for Information and Neural Networks, NICT
Hiroki R. Ueda, The University of Tokyo/RIKEN Quantitative Biology Center
Gonzalo Urcelay, University of Leicester
Wako Yoshida, Center for Information and Neural Networks, NICT/ Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International
Chunming Zhang, University of Wisconsin
Feb. 3 (Wed.)
14:00- Registration
15:00- Welcome: Toshio Yanagida, Director of CiNet
Elisabeth A. (Betsy) Murray From knowledge to action: the role of the primate orbitofrontal cortex
Joshua Johansen Neural circuit mechanisms for triggering and reversing aversive memories
16:35-16:55 Coffee Break
Masahiko Haruno Different contributions of the amygdala and DLPFC to prosocial behavioral choice
Mauricio Delgado Social context influences on neural systems of reward processing and decision making
18:30-19:30 Evening Session
Feb. 4 (Thurs.)
Masaki Isoda Probing the social mind with an electrode
Nils Kolling Neural signals in human Foraging and dynamic Choice
Kenji Doya Neural substrates of mental simulation
11:55-13:00 Luncheon Seminar by Panasonic Corporation
Peter Dayan The Social Construct of Trust: Recursive Modeling, Partial Observability and Irritation
Peter Shizgal What does operant performance for optical stimulation of midbrain dopamine neurons reveal about the causal role of reward-prediction errors in learning and decision making?
Wako Yoshida Observing others: neural mechanisms of inference and learning
15:05-15:25 Coffee Break
Mitsuo Kawato Decoded neurofeedback
Ryota Kanai Neurotechnology Startup
16:35-16:55 Coffee Break
Kou Murayama The role of curiosity in learning and decision making
Shigeru Kitazawa Why does the world remain stable while we move our eyes?-a background coordinate hypothesis
18:30-20:30 Poster Session
Feb. 5 (Fri.)
Yoshikazu Terada Brain activity detection based on the difference-based HRF estimator
Chunming Zhang Statistical Learning of Neuronal Functional Connectivity
Shohei Shimizu Statistical estimation of causal directions based on observational data
11:55-13:00 Luncheon Seminar by Shimadzu Corporation
Hiroki R. Ueda Towards Organisms-level Systems Biology
Roger Redondo Rewiring the brain with targeted plasticity – the power of circuit dissection
Gonzalo Urcelay Fear thou not: Instrumental avoidance in fear learning
15:05-15:25 Coffee Break
Hidehiko Takahashi Temporal-parietal junction as a domain-general source of cognitive flexibility
Minoru Kimura Roles of nigrostriate and thalamostriate systems in motivation and learning
16:35- Closing: Masahiko Haruno, Meeting Chair