65th CiNet Monthly Seminar: Matthew Lambon Ralph “The neurocognitive bases of semantic representation and its disorders” (On-line & In-person : Sign-up required)

CiNet Monthly Seminar

November 27, 2023
16:00-17:30 (JST)

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or you can come to the conference room on the 1st floor of the CiNet bldg.

Sign up by noon on Nov. 27
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“The neurocognitive bases of semantic representation and its disorders”

Matthew Lambon Ralph
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
University of Cambridge, UK

Host : Ryo Ishibashi

This talk will provide a brief overview of our work on semantic cognition and its disorders. This longstanding research programme actively draws together neuropsychological and neuroscience data in a convergent manner to understand semantic representation, including recent computational models and clinical neurophysiological studies of patients with grid-electrode arrays across the anterior temporal region.