Friday Lunch Seminar (English)
September 8, 2023
12:15 〜 13:00
Talk Title:Automated Estimation of Mood from EEG while Listening to News Speech Using Machine Learning
Hiroki Watanabe
Brain Function Analysis and Imaging Laboratory
Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet)
National Institutes of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Host PI : Yasushi Naruse
Recently, we have shown that it is possible to estimate an individual’s mood by analyzing how the individual receives verbal information in the news from EEG measured while listening to natural language stimuli such as news speech. Using this technology, it may be possible to objectively estimate one’s own mood from EEG in everyday environments. However, to implement this technology in society, it is necessary to demonstrate its usefulness by automating the process of extracting linguistic information from news speech and the process of estimating mood from EEG. In this talk, I will introduce the machine learning method we are currently implementing to automate the prediction of mood from EEG during news speech listening.