Friday Lunch Seminar (English)
September 16, 2022
12:15 〜 13:00
Talk Title: Validation of OPM-MEG system using multi-task experiments
Keita Suzuki
Neural information Analysis Laboratories
Host PI: Okito Yamashita
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is one of the noninvasive ways to measure human brain activity. Thanks to its milli-second order temporal resolution, it is employed by various studies. However, the measuring cost of a conventional device using SQUID-type sensors is expensive due to a liquid helium requirement, and it is the primary bottleneck. Recently, the optically pumped magnetometer (OPM) device has been under the global spotlight. It enables a cerebral magnetic field measuring system without any expensive medium.
As a part of NICT-itaku project (#209), we are building the OPM measurement system. We validated our system by comparing the SQUID-MEG and the OPM-MEG using multi-task experiments with several subjects. We observed well-known waveforms for both OPM-MEG and SQUID-MEG recordings for each task in accordance with the previous SQUID-MEG studies. As a result of the current source reconstruction, sources were localized at places consistent with the conventional knowledge of each task for both devices. These results confirm that our OPM-MEG system records the cerebral magnetic field with low-cost and sufficient quality.