Friday Lunch Seminar: Osamu Fukayama: “RatCar, Rattractor, and further — Brain-machine interfaces to control devices and bodies” (On-line for CiNet members only: Sign-up required)

Friday Lunch Seminar (English)

December 17, 2021
12:15 〜 13:00

Talk Title: RatCar, Rattractor, and further – Brain-machine interfaces to control devices and bodies

Osamu Fukayama
Brain Networks and Communication Laboratory
Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet)
National Institutes of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)

Host PI: Takafumi Suzuki

This talk first focuses on the brain-machine interfaces that I had developed before I moved to CiNet last year. They include RatCar where a rat brain controlled a vehicle, and Rattractor which modulated physical behavior of a rat. Then, I’d like to share my recent experiences in integrating neural information obtained with various modalities such as wire electrodes, ECoG, and EEG.