Seminar on Horizon2020

Horizon2020 is a funding program supported by EU. The seminar will provide an overview of opportunities for research cooperation and mobility projects between Japan and Europe, with a particular focus on funding schemes within the EU’s flagship research and innovation Framework Program, Horizon 2020. As an addition to the usual program, it will also allow local researchers to ask for face-to-face counselling.

Organizers:                      NICT, EURAXESS Japan
Date & Time:                   Monday, August 26, 2019 – 14:00-16:30
Venue:                             Conference Room, CiNet bldg., Suita Osaka
Expected participants:     Researchers, Graduate Students, Administrators
No pre-registration required

◆ 14:00 – 14:15
・Opening (English)
by Ferdinand Peper, Associate Director
Neural Information Engineering Laboratory, CiNet, NICT
・NICT international joint funding (Japanese)
by Takashi Maruyama, Managing Expert
International Research Advancement Office, Global Alliance Department, NICT

◆ 14:15 -14:30 (English)
“The importance of internationalization for Japanese research institutions, research teams, and individuals”
by Dr. Matthieu Py (EURAXESS Japan)

◆ 14:30 -16:00 (English)
“What, How & When? EU’s flagship funding program H2020 and beyond: ramp up your career and projects through Europe-Japan cooperation and mobility”
– Introduction to Horizon 2020 and beyond
– Horizon 2020 from the Japanese perspective, focus on MSCA RISE and possible matching funds
– Europe’s programs for young & individual researchers and EURAXESS services for Japan
by Dr. Matthieu Py (EURAXESS Japan)

◆ 16:00 -16:20 (English)
“Experience feedback from NICT researchers cooperating with European Institutions”
by Ferdinand Peper (CiNet, NICT)

◆ 16:20 -16:30 (English/Japanese)
Q&A session

◆16:30 (English/Japanese)
Closing &  individual consultation upon request (English /Japanese)