33rd CiNet Monthly Seminar: Jörn Diedrichsen “Too big to ignore: Exploring the role of the human cerebellum across functional domains”

CiNet Monthly Seminar

April 22, 2019
12:00 ~ 13:00
CiNet 1F Conference Room
(No brown-bagging please)

“Too big to ignore: Exploring the role of the human cerebellum across functional domains”

Jörn Diedrichsen
Brain and Mind Institute
Department for Computer Science
University of Western Ontario

Host : Atsushi Yokoi (Nishimoto Group)


The cerebellum has likely evolved to support basic sensory-motor functions. In the human brain, the cerebellar circuitry has dramatically expanded and contributes to virtually every cognitive function, including working memory, language, and social cognition. Given its uniform cytoarchitecture, it has long been hypothesized that the cerebellar circuit performs a common computation across all these functional domains. But what is this elusive transform? To ultimately answer this question we require a better understanding of the functional diversity of the cerebellum and how it relates to neocortical processing. I will present results from a large functional neuroimaging study, in which we characterize cerebellar function across cognitive domains, and take the first steps to illuminate general principles of cerebellar computation.