<CiNet メンバーを対象にオンライン開催> Friday Lunch Seminar 北村 周平 :“Semantic Processing of Political Words in Naturalistic Information Differs by Political Orientation”

2024年6月21日  Friday Lunch Seminar (英語で開催します)
12:15 〜 13:00

演題:Semantic Processing of Political Words in Naturalistic Information Differs by Political Orientation

北村 周平

担当PI :  井原 綾

This study used EEG signals to analyze responses to moral, ideological, and policy-related words among participants with varying political orientations. Participants with particular political orientations showed heightened responsiveness to certain word categories. Significant correlations were found between predicted and self-reported political orientations. These findings suggest that political orientation influences semantic word processing and responses to specific word categories, which has implications for understanding political polarization and improving policy message effectiveness.