CiNet Monthly Seminar (英語で開催)
JST (GMT + 9:00)
現地参加をご希望の方(CiNet棟 大会議室):
申込締め切り:10月24日 17:00
“Recent neuroimaging studies of human motor control and learning systems in Korea”
Sungshin Kim
Assistant Professor
Department of Intelligence Computing/Department of Artificial Intelligence
Hanyang University
In this seminar, I will introduce recent fMRI studies from my lab, investigating neural mechanisms underlying human motor learning. In the first part, I will present a recent paper reporting a gradual transition of performance-related activity from head to tail of the human caudate nucleus while human participants learn a de novo motor skill. Additionally, I will present how intrinsic cortico-caudate interactions predict individual learning performance. In the second part, I will present an ongoing work investigating how hippocampal reactivation of motor skill representation contributes to rapid motor memory consolidation. We found representational similarity between the motor cortex and hippocampus is related to performance gain after a short rest during motor sequence learning. Lastly, I will briefly introduce other ongoing research projects in my lab and future plan including possible collaboration with CiNet.