Friday Lunch Seminar<on-line 開催> 塩見 昌裕 :"Social touch in human-robot interaction"

2024年5月31日  Friday Lunch Seminar (英語で開催します)
12:15 〜 13:00
→申込みは こちら

演題:Social touch in human-robot interaction

塩見 昌裕

担当PI:石黒 浩

The physical existence of social robots enables them to realize active touch interaction, which plays an essential role in human-human interaction. We aim to develop a safe and trustworthy social touch mechanism in human-robot interaction by observing human touch behaviors. In this talk, I will present a recent research topic in ATR, social touch interaction, which is one of the fundamental forms of communication in human-robot interaction. In this research topic, we conducted research on four major topics. As items leading to fundamental research, we developed hardware and software to realize physically safe touch, model the “common sense” associated with social touch, and evaluated the effects of social touch. We also conducted field trials in real environments using our developed robots and systems as applied research.