Human Frontier Science Program 研究グラント募集説明会


情報通信研究機構 脳情報通信融合研究センター(CiNet )1F 大会議室
吹田市山田丘1-4 (大阪大学 吹田キャンパス内)
国際ヒューマン・フロンティア・サイエンス・プログラム機構 (HFSPO)
情報通信研究機構 脳情報通信融合研究センター(CiNet)
広い意味での生命科学研究者(CiNet の研究者に限定しません)

15:00  開会 (CiNet 副センター長 田口隆久)
15:05  HFSPO 概要説明とプレゼンター Dr. Geoff RICHARDS 紹介 (HFSPO 事務局次長 水間英城)
15:15   Presentation (英語):
Broadening your horizons – international collaboration in the life sciences
HFSPO Director of Research Grants   Dr. Geoff RICHARDS
16:05 質疑応答
16:35 閉会
16:40-17:00 個別相談

Abstract of the presentation by Dr. Geoff RICHARDS:
HFSP (the Human Frontier Science Program) was established in 1989 so as to encourage innovative international collaboration in the life sciences. An emphasis is made on combining widely different expertise to understand fundamental biological mechanisms. These mechanisms can range from the finest molecular details of cellular structure to complex interactions in systems neuroscience. In the frontier science supported by HFSP, the biology is increasingly quantitative with contributions from computational biologists and biophysicists although other contributions from the physical sciences are also common.In this talk we will discuss the HFSP collaborative Research Grants, explaining the common errors in applications and the kind of project that is likely to win support. Successful teams take a ‘new look’ and bring novel ideas from different disciplines and scientific cultures together to solve a problem. We will also introduce the HFSP Postdoctoral Fellowships to support young researchers.

About HFSPO:
The International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO)
12, Quai Saint-Jean – B.P.10034 67080 Strasbourg-cedex, FRANCE