24th CiNet Monthly Seminar: 小坂田 文隆 “Viral and imaging approaches for linking neuronal connectivity to circuit function”

CiNet Monthly Seminar

16:00 ~ 17:00
会場 : CiNet 1F 大会議室

“Viral and imaging approaches for linking neuronal connectivity to circuit function”

名古屋大学 大学院創薬科学研究科
准教授 小坂田 文隆

Host : Hiroshi Tamura(Fujita Group)

Visual information begins with the retina and is sent via the thalamus to the visual cortex. The mouse visual cortex consists of a primary visual area (V1) and at least 9 higher-order visual areas (HVAs) which are functionally tuned to specific features of the visual scene. For example, the area AL, one of the HVAs, specializes in processing fast moving, low spatial frequency visual stimuli, while the area PM specializes in processing slow, high temporal frequency stimuli. The functional specialization can arise from the interaction between target-specific projections and local computations. Little is known, however, about the relationship between projection neurons targeting a particular area and their local connectivity. To relate long-range projection neurons to their local circuits, we are currently developing trans-synaptic viral vectors and a three dimensional imaging system. Orthogonal circuit tracing with two viral vectors will make it possible to label presynaptic inputs of projection neurons and analyze interactions between the labeled circuits. Simultaneous multi-plane two-photon imaging will allow functional characterization of local circuits.