Brush-up School of the division of Cognitive Neuroscience Robotics: Ben Seymour and Hiroshi Ishiguro.


CiNet 1F 大会議室

Ben Seymour  (CiNet PI)
情報通信研究機構 (NICT)  脳情報通信融合研究センター 特別招へい研究員
WPI 大阪大学免疫学フロンティア研究センター (IFReC) 特任教授

16:40-17:00 Q&A

石黒 浩 (CiNet PI)
大阪大学 基礎工学研究科システム創成専攻
ATR 石黒 浩特別研究所

17:40-18:00 Q&A


Talk 1: Ben Seymour

“How the human brain produces pain.” In my talk I will show how we think the human pain system works. We build a theory based on the core function of the pain system – to minimise harm, and show how the brain supports a set of learning mechanisms that allow pain to control adaptive behaviour. I will describe the core computations involved in this system, and how it allows us to simulate artificial pain systems in virtual organisms. This new understanding supports a distributed self-organising network model of pain, which lacks any hidden ‘homunculus’. This then provides a framework for understanding chronic pain, and I will show how functional brain network activity can be reliably decoded in chronic pain patients to provide an objective biomarker for pain (the ‘pain connectome’).

Talk 2:  石黒 浩

“Human-Android Symbiosis” The focus of robotics research is shifting from industrial robots to robots working in daily situations. The kind of entity with which humans most easily interact is humans. Then, it is important to develop humanoid robots with abilities to interact with humans, and such abilities involve multiple types of senses, language use, and complex body movements. This research area engages in the development of Symbiotic Human-Robot Interaction, and its goal is to develop autonomous social robots that can communicate with multiple humans via various communicative means as humans use them. The relevant means include body and hand movements, facial expressions, gaze, body contact, etc. In order to achieve the goal of developing autonomous robots capable of companionably interacting with and living together with humans, it is necessary to develop certain devices and technologies: (a) surface skin material and internal structure for safe interaction with humans, (b) stable and flexible speech recognition technology, (c) functions of autonomous context- and task-sensitive communication on the basis of a hierarchical model consisting of desire, intention, and behavior including speech act, and (d) functions of using multiple communicative means to communicate with multiple persons in social contexts. The research area has two sub-goals: (1) to test and confirm the humanlikeness of robots (i.e., the extent to which robots feel like humans) by comparing them with teleoperated robots and more directly with humans (Total Turing Test), and (2) to offer robots as care support tools for elderly people and people with developmental disabilities. Communication support is equally important as physical support in elderly care. The research area aims at providing communication support for the elderly and education and rehabilitation for the developmentally disabled. More widely, it also aims at providing communication education and learning support for people in general and information and communication service in public facilities. The research area will ultimately offer newly developed robots as a new test bed for understanding what human is. It is expected that these robots and their interaction with humans in the actual situations will deepen the understanding of important topics in cognitive science and neuroscience: for example, self- and other-recognition, consciousness, and mind.